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  • How to Die in Mexico

    How to Die in Mexico While many focus on coming to Mexico to live a relaxed lifestyle, nothing lasts forever and old age and bad fortune can befall us all one day. As Benjamin Franklin said the only two sure things in life are death and taxes. The reality is that the narcos won’t get […]

  • How to Check up on a Mexican Attorney in Litigation

    How to Check up on a Mexican Attorney in Litigation So I see all sorts of mistakes that attorneys make and I doubt even 1% of their clients know they make these mistakes, some are HUGE! Here in Mexico there are few oral proceedings for the most part (subject to ongoing changes with the integration […]

  • Mexico shortens waiting periods for some consular services

    Mexico shortens waiting periods for some consular services Today in the Official Federal Register (DOF) Mexico published changes to the wait times for many consular services. This is the Mexican government’s compliance with its National Development Plan for 2013-2018 and Goal V of “Mexico with Global Responsibility.” The services where wait times have been shortened […]

  • Owe back child support? You will not be able to leave Mexico!

    Owe back child support? You will not be able to leave Mexico! Today in the Official Federal Register (DOF) Mexico published amendments to article 48 of the Federal Immigration Law adding an additional section VI. http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5433963&fecha=21/04/2016 Article 48 states that “The exit of Mexicans and foreigners from the national territory may be freely done except […]

  • Blacklist of Jalisco Notaries

    A news source published a blacklist of notaries who have the highest number of complaints. 11 notaries have about 60% of the complaints statewide according to records released through transparency requests. Some are fugitives with fraud charges against them and others with complaints forged documents or didn’t register deeds or turn them over to clients […]

  • New IMSS 2016 Rates

    IMSS 2016 Rates As rates change every February, here is the price list for 2016, many higher tiers for people over 60 have gone up 1,000 pesos and the lower tiers around 300. Grupo de edad Cuotas 2016 0-19 $ 2,250 20-29 $ 2,700 30-39 $ 2,850 40-49 $ 4,000 50-59 $ 4,250 60-69 $ […]