2017 New Year, Higher Real Estate / Notary Costs and Vehicle Fees

2017 New Year, Higher Real Estate / Notary Costs and Vehicle Fees

With 2017 almost upon us there are some changes in the state of Jalisco that will affect many people.

For automobile owners the annual renewal fee will edge up to 456 pesos if paid in January, 481 if paid in February, 507 pesos after and if you wait a few more months fine will be added.

Smog checks have been mandatory but been largely ignored. One proposal was to have cars that were not complying towed on the spot and many complained that it would be unfair and allow widespread abuse and corruption. The current proposal is to expand the deadline up to 3 months BUT have an automatic fine generated and the vehicle blocked in the system until the fine is paid, not even allowing the smog check to be done until the fine is paid and if the fine is paid there will be a 20 day period to get the smog check or else be blocked and fined again. For example, if your plate ends in the number 1 under the current system you need to get the smog check done in January, under the new system you will be able to have it done in January, February and March but if you wait until April 1st then you will not be able to and have your registration blocked and a fine added.

Real estate closing costs, wills and other notarial acts will also edge up, the tax on legal affairs or Impuesto Sobre Negocios Juridicos will rise from $290 pesos to $1,000 pesos. The fees to register documents at the Public Property registry will have the minimum charge rise from $424 pesos to $1,000 pesos.

Also the State of Jalisco is moving away from pegging fines to the minimum wage. There is a new index that currently is the same as the minimum wage but is called Unidad de Medida y Actualizacion. It is the same thing but now they can raise the minimum age for certain people or occupations to improve the standard of living without raising fine and penalty amounts at the same time.


About the Author:

Litigating Attorney and Official Court Translator in the State of Jalisco, Mexico