Category Archives: Sin categoría

  • CURP Numbers and Controlled Medicines for Foreigners

    Recently there has been an uproar nationally within the foreign community with people fearing they would not be able to get medicines they need for certain medical conditions as they were only tourists who are unable to get a CURP number. This arose when the forms for prescriptions changed to electronic ones doctors need to […]

  • Beware to not enter Mexico as a Tourist if you are Temporary or Permanent Resident

    Many people inadvertently or due to errors of immigration agents enter Mexico and are entered as tourists on the FMM form that all foreigners need to use to register their entry. This will come back to haunt you as immigration has summoned people to appear and then canceled their temporary or permanent residency document or […]

  • New Immigration Forms July 30, 2015

    New Immigration Forms Last week on Thursday, July 30, 2015 Immigration published changes to their forms that are generated online. The old forms can be used for a limited time (90 calendar days) but it is recommended to use the new forms. The forms that have been changed are for: Renewing your temporary visa within […]

  • SAT stops 104 customs agents due to lowball values

    SAT stops 104 customs agents due to lowball values As you may have read when I broke my story in November, 2013 regarding 2014 new taxes and issues, I stated “Also, customs is going to be checking the value of imported goods more closely and communicating with the countries where merchandise is leaving, to check […]

  • New Rules for Work Visa Renewal (July 2015)

    New Rules for Work Visa Renewal (July 2015) Last month, June 2015, immigration circulated an internal update to their offices with changes to how they would treat renewals for people who have work permits. There was no change in the current immigration law or its regulations. This change was made at the whim of higher-ups […]

  • New SRE DNN3 Form fill in (llenable)

    SRE has updated their request form that is required to be used when you want to be a Mexican citizen. They do not want the form hand written and want it typed. I made it a pdf fill in form you can fill in your details and then print copies. Yes, there is a little […]

  • Top 10 tax agency abusive practices

    Top 10 tax agency abusive practices On May 14, 2015 PRODECON (Procuraduria de la Defensa del Contribuyente) [Tax Ombudsman’s Office] issued bulletin number 007/2015 which outlined the top 10 bad practices of SAT, the federal tax authority to alert taxpayers about these abusive practices and that they violate their rights. The top 10 are 1.- […]

  • Same Sex Marriage Recognition in Mexican Probate cases

    Same Sex Marriage Recognition in Mexican Probate cases The issue of same sex marriages has been controversial around the world and no more so than here in Mexico. While the Mexican Supreme Court has stated that people of the same sex have the right to marry, and certain states have eliminated verbiage in their civil […]

  • New IMSS Fees 2015 – 2016

    New IMSS Fees 2015 – 2016 Fees change each year in February, the fees for 2015 to 2016 are as follows for people who only have medical insurance (afiliacion voluntaria) 0 to 19 years old $1,900 pesos 20 to 29 years old $2,250 pesos 30 to 39 years old $2,400 pesos 40 to 49 years […]

  • Guns and self defense at home (Jalisco law)

    Guns and self defense at home (Jalisco law) please see 2019 gun law update With burglaries and home invasions on the rise and the intruders being armed and some killing people found at home, here are some tips to make your being a victim more pleasant and not find yourself in jail next to the […]
