Yearly Archives

  • Car Importation Update December 2014

    Car Importation Update December 2014 With all the rumor and speculation out there, I thought I would share information that SAT has just published regarding vehicle importations. This is information that SAT is promoting and might put to rest some of the speculation going around verbally and on web boards. SAT provides the following link […]

  • New Vehicle Temporary Importation Manual

    New Vehicle Temporary Importation Manual SAT released the latest version of their Vehicle Importation Manual the end of November, 2014, two years after the prior one was released in September, 2012. The new manual can be found here: http://www.sat.gob.mx/aduanas/vehiculos/internacion_temporal/Documents/ManualInt-ImpTmpVeh.pdf The new manual lists the immigration statuses and maximum periods that they can have vehicles imported […]

  • HUGE Changes today to Mexican immigration law

    HUGE Changes today to Mexican immigration law These changes apply to visas issued at Mexican consulates outside Mexico. I am assuming that there will be a publication soon applicable to people renewing within Mexico to harmonize the new lower financial requirements. Reduced income requirements for temporary residence, new income / asset requirements: Balances in bank […]

  • Pay your taxes now to SAT or lose big time

    Pay your taxes now to SAT or lose big time I have talked to many clients and they have work papers and are registered to pay taxes but do not understand the new tax system. People who were previously small business owners under the REPECO scheme used to file and pay their taxes bimonthly with […]

  • Real Estate Appraisals in Mexico.

    Real Estate Appraisals in Mexico. Here in Mexico we have three types of real estate appraisals. They are Tax (Catastral), Bank (Bancaria) and Commercial (Comercial). All appraisers must be licensed and most are engineers or architects who have postgraduate courses and state licenses and are also “peritos” or experts. TAX OR CATASTRAL APPRAISAL The Tax […]

  • Jalisco driving guide for 2014

    I have updated the driving guide for 2014. This version is the state version as the federal laws have changed extensively so I will make a separate federal driving guide and publish it within 2 weeks or so. Please check out this new update and give me your comments. www.chapalalaw.com/Driving.pdf

  • If you lose your Mexican immigration card outside Mexico

    If you lose your Mexican immigration card outside Mexico you need a special visa to enter Mexico, if you enter as a tourist then they will cancel your old temporary or permanent. You need a police report, photo, passport and payment of a small fee. I have been fighting with many Mexican consulates as they […]

  • Reformaron el Art. 4 de la CPEUM

    Reformaron el Art. 4 de la CPEUM, ahora los registros y 1a acta de los ninos son gratis, los estados tienen 6 meses para reformar sus leyes. Today Mexico published changes to Article 4 of its constitution eliminating fees to register a child born in Mexico and giving a copy of the first birth certificate […]

  • Mexico Timeshare Real Estate Scams Victimizing People

    Timeshare Real Estate Scams Victimizing People Multiple scams have been identified recently that have already cost people tens of thousands of dollars of their retirement savings. The scams, which seem to be copycats of each other, involve approaching people who own Mexican timeshare real estate by phone calls, mail or by email, and pretending to […]
