SAT (Mexican tax authority) to deactivate passwords for taxpayer login

Per the 2021 Tax Regulations published in the DOF (Diario Oficial de la Federación), SAT (Mexican tax authority), as a protective measure to prevent fraud and identity theft will be deactivating the passwords of millions of taxpayers who are under the Regimen de Incorporacion Fiscal system (simplified system for small businesses).  This can affect your right to file you tax returns, issue facturas and be able to print tax certificates and get information.

                They claim it is only under three circumstances, 1st, where there is little activity (what does this mean and who decides?), 2nd, where no facturas have been issued, and 3rd where people have failed to file tax returns. 

                I have had my clients receive an email from SAT mentioning this and they have filed their returns so this may be an issue for everybody or many may fall into it. 

                What do you need to do?  You can get an appointment and go to the SAT offices but there are no appointments (when we last checked). 

You can use their SAT ID program but the new system makes people upload their documents in an odd way, then they must video record you saying a phrase in Spanish, then sign your name perfectly exactly as you signed your ID in a 2 inch by 3 inch box using your mouse, here is where most people are rejected. 

The last and only real option is to do it online on their site and hope their site is up and working or we can take care of it for you.


About the Author:

Litigating Attorney and Official Court Translator in the State of Jalisco, Mexico