New Immigration Procedure Changes September, 2015 (Children’s ID)

Many people living here in Mexico have children who were born here in Mexico or who have acquired Mexican nationality due to their spouse being Mexican.

Foreigners with Mexican children have the opportunity to jump ahead from tourist status to residente permanente and not have to leave Mexico to do it under the family unity provisions of the immigration law.

This is a great deal as they do not need to prove income or assets and they will have the right to work.

Up until now immigration authorities were not requiring copy of the identification for a child. The law and regulations have made it a requirement for family unity (for change to temporary due to having a Mexican spouse they would want their Mexican ID) but it was never asked for children until now.

What does this mean? They stated to us today at the Federal Delegation in Guadalajara that they would apply the same standards as the SRE does for first time issuance of passports for children.

Therefore per the SRE guidelines, for a child to identify themselves, they need to present one of the following items:

1) School Certificate (Certificado Escolar) from elementary school, junior high or high school with a photo stamped with the seal of the public institution or private one with incorporation of the SEP.

2) School Level Certificate for present studies (Constancia del Grado de Estudios) from elementary school, junior high or high school with a photo stamped with the seal of the public institution or private one with incorporation number of the SEP and signature of person who prepared. Valid from 90 days from date of issuance. Day care certificates not accepted.

3) Current school ID (preschool, elementary and junior high) which should have a photo of the minor and stamp with official seal including number of incorporation, signature and position of person issuing. Day care certificates not accepted.

4) Personal Identity Cedula

5) High Security Matricula Consular

6) Naturalization certificate

7) Disabled Person Card from DIF

8) Medical ID (IMSS, etc. with photo)

For minors under 7 years old if they do not have any of the prior documents they may present a pediatrician’s letter on letterhead that has the name of the minor, pediatricians cedula number, the parents names and how long they have been the family doctor. There should be a photo of the child where the doctor signs over it or puts his stamp on it. The letter is good for 90 days from date of issue.

***We asked if they would accept a US passport as many children have dual nationality. They said yes and we are going back tomorrow to present a US passport.

Here is the format for a sample pediatrician letter which may be used for immigration or for your child’s first Mexican passport (assuming they were born in Mexico or have Mexican nationality).


El que suscribe, Médico Cirujano Pediatra, Dr. SANTIAGO HERNANDEZ, legalmente autorizado para ejercer mi profesión tal como se desprende de mi Cédula Profesional número 183102 de la cual adjunto al presente una copia simple, hago constar que la menor, Ana Mc Mullen cuya fotografía aparece al margen, es hija de los señores Spencer Mc Mullen y Ana Villanueva, siendo mi paciente desde hace 7 meses y encontrándose al corriente con sus inmunizaciones.

Se extiende la presente a petición de los padres de la menor para los fines que convengan.


Guadalajara, Jalisco a 23 de septiembre de 2015

Cédula Profesional número 123456


About the Author:

Litigating Attorney and Official Court Translator in the State of Jalisco, Mexico